Weiguang Zhao (赵伟光)

Ph.D. Candidate (first year)

University of Liverpool


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I am a first-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science department at University of Liverpool in UK, based off-site at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in China. I am fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Kaizhu Huang, Prof. Rui Zhang, Prof. Qiufeng Wang, and Prof. Guangliang Cheng. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology from Heilongjiang University and my Master’s degree in MRes Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems from University of Liverpool. Previously, I have worked or interned at DJI and Duke (Kunshan) University. My research interests include: Robot, 3D Vision (Recognition, Reconstruction, and Scene Understanding).

Recent News:
[Jul. 2023] One paper on point cloud has been accepted by ICCV.
[Jan. 2023] I got the 1st place in ScanNetV2 3D instance segmentation benchmark.



Open-Pose 3D Zero-Shot Learning: Benchmark and Challenges
W. Zhao, G. Yang, R. Zhang, C. Jiang, C. Yang, Y. Yan, A. Hussain, K. Huang
arXiv , 2023
[ Paper] [ Code]


Divide and Conquer: 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation With Point-Wise Binarization
W. Zhao, Y. Yan, C. Yang, J. Ye, X. Yang, K. Huang
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
[ Paper] [ Code] [ Video]


From 2D images to 3D model: Weakly Supervised Multi-View Face Reconstruction with Deep Fusion
W. Zhao, C. Yang, J. Ye, R. Zhang, Y. Yan, X. Yang, B. Dong, A. Hussain, K. Huang
arXiv , 2022
[ Paper] [ Code]


CN202311360007.X 3D point cloud zero-shot classification method, device, electronic device and storage medium.
CN202310621403.7 Generating defect samples method, device, electronic device and storage medium.
CN202111579569.4 3D face model establishment method, device, electronic device and storage medium.


Review Service:
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
Neural Networks (NN)
Cognitive Computation (CC)

Teaching Assistants:
STATS 302: Principle of Machine Learning         Duke (Kunshan) University, 2023 Fall ECE 590K: Introduction to Deep Learning         Duke (Kunshan) University, 2024 Spring